Installing CentOS 7 on a Raspberry Pi 3

Getting Started

raspberry Pi 3 B+

I recently added a new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ to my home lab and need to use it with both Raspbian and CentOS for a customer’s testing. The Raspbian instructions are nearly identical to the Raspberry Pi Zero despite being a 64-bit ARM8 system. Getting it working with CentOS was relatively straightforward since it’s a popular platform, but I figured I should document it for ease of reproducibility.

I primarily followed the instructions from the CentOS Linux on the Raspberry Pi 3 wiki and RichTech Security & Technology Guide: CentOS 7 Installation Guide on Raspberry PI.

Installing the Base Image

CentOS has official Raspberry Pi 3 builds, I downloaded mine from the mirror listing and downloaded the CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-RaspberryPI-Minimal-1810-sda.raw.xz to keep it minimal.

I flashed the image onto a 32 gig microSD card with baleenaEtcher for OSX.

With my microSD card ready I plugged in my HDMI cable, a USB keyboard, and an ethernet cable and booted into CentOS.

Configuring CentOS

The default user/password combination on CentOS is root and centos, which you’ll want to immediately change with passwd. The first thing I did was resize the filesystem to expand into the entire microSD card with


Next I configured the hostname with

hostnamectl set-hostname

where banjo is the shortname and is the internal-only domain I use for my systems. Next I set the timezone to Australia/Sydney with

timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney

Package Updates

To get the latest versions of the base install I ran

 yum update

and rebooted the system to ensure the hostname and timezone changes were in effect.


Initially I used the ethernet port, but I wanted to use the wifi. Configuring wifi is several steps, but this post provides a link to a script that configures your Raspberry Pi 3 wifi. Be sure to read it since you’re running it as root :)

curl >>
chmod +x

Then I rebooted the box and unplugged the ethernet, video, and keyboard. It was now on my network via wifi and ready to be remotely administered.